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  • HAKURI 200

    High concentration mould release agent for steel mould and wooden mould. It should be diluted by kerosene and naphtha before using.

  • HAKURI 300

    High concentrated product of KIT-10. It should be diluted by kerosene and naphtha before using.

  • HAKURI 500

    Cleaning agent for machinery parts and appliances. The agent can clean concrete hopper, chute and agitator, and prevent the adhesion of concrete. It can also prevent the machine rusting when use it as antirust paint.


    Mould release agent for cement roofing tile’s floor iron and sheet iron. It has good rust prevention effect, prevent the sheet iron from rusting.


    Mould release agent for pressurized cement tile. The combination of mineral oil and special surfactant. Suitable for pressurized cement and thick slate’s mould releasing process.

  • KIT 10

    Mineral oil& oil type mould release agent. When spread it on the surface of mould, it can form a waterproof and rustproof coat, which makes the mould easy to be removed, suitable for the reprocessed products of concrete.

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